Click on the people=shit and that will take you to the front page... New entry's will be highlighted thank you..... I've been trying to update my site but i have been busy with exam's but i am back and i am adding some cool shit to my site so checkit out... (Posted on feb.4/2001/2:43/ Also i have a new banner everybody can link to there site it is under link me email me if you put my banner on your site... Click on the word link me at the bottom of the page to go to link me... (Posted feb.4/2001/2:48/ I have put 6 new pages on my site so check them i will also be updating lots this week so keep on checking. (posted on feb.6/2001/6:08/ I have not been updating my site latly but i am trying to find stuff to put on so keep checking and you will probally see something today.(Posted on feb.11/2001/ Hi i have updated my site with new slipknot unmasked pic's also a new banner and also ex-members pic's and a new link which is now under my favorite links so check my site out... (Feb.27/8:47/01 Hello i have updated my site with a vote for my site link click under vote for me to vote for my site on the top 50 slipknot sites thanx for your support and please vote..(Mar.4/9:54pm/2001 I have been on holidays so i have not been able to update my site but i am looking for something good to put on my site so you might not see something for a while but you might see something new today..THANX.. Don't forget to vote for my site...(mar.26/2001/1:14pm/ i have added 2 more pages to my site a i hate fred durst page and a carton page if you want send me your carton pic you drew and i'll put it on my site k email me at slipknot_corey66@hotmail.com or you could just go to email me on the contact me page and send your drawing to me thanx..The creator of the site Andrew..(april.15/2001/12:59pm/ I have not been working on my site so i will probally not put anything new until next year if i do put something new i will let you no on page news if you have any idea's for my site please email me at slipknot_corey66@hotmail.com...(may.10/2001/9:30pm/ I have added a new poll on if you like fred durst or not so check it out i also have a new warning which some of you have already seen so check that shit out i will be adding more stuff in the next few weeks.(june.25/01/10:16pm/ I have re did my hole image of this site i have added a new home page and i added a new masks page also a list of the iowa track also you can now listen to music on my site at the bottem of the homepage you can listen to heretic song from iowa surfacing and wait and bleed so check it out i also have added a song meaning page so take a look at that.Also i added a new banner.I will add more to my site.....(August.13/2001/12:39pm/ Link Me |