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Cuddles #3 ex Slipknot Percussion


Greg Welts, or Cuddles as he is affectionatley known as was the ex-Slipknot percussionist for the band. He operated in a similar capacity to Chris Fehn (his replacement) but Cuddles was one crazy muther-fucker like Sid. He smashed up the entire sets during shows and threw his drum set into the crowd and that sorta shit. The mask that Cuddles wears is available at most mask shops and is called Baby Face. Cuddles entered the band between "Mate Feed Kill Repeat" and "Slipknot." Cuddles is the man who tattooed the tribal "S" on Anders' leg and all the other guys tattoos, as well as inked the outline for Anders' backpiece. He's also known as "Giggles", the guy who temporarily replaced Anders on percussion in Slipknot. Cuddles was also featured on the inside of the tray of MFKR; the guy in the leather jacket is Dav-o, owner of the Axiom piercing shop in Des Moines and booker at the Safari Club (now known as Hairy Mary's II). Cuddles was the naked guy, long before he was in the band, though. They were both thanked on the back of the album. Cuddles currently has a tattoo shop in South Dakota called: "The Ultimate Prick". He played his last show in April 1998 and was quoted for leaving the band for personal and family reasons... Cuddles, we salute you...

Josh #4 ex Slipknot Guitarist


Josh Brainard, or Gnar as his band mates new him was the original Slipknot lead Guitarist. Josh was there from the birth of the band and the days of handing out tapes and flyers and working their asses off to get their music some exposure. He was there when the band made the ep Mate Feed Kill Repeat and added the jumpsuits and Corey to the line-up; he was there when they were just about to break the big time. Slipknot knew they had what it took to make the big time and sacrifices had to be made including time away from family. After spending time writing the riffs to the new album, just before they entered the studio to record "Slipknot" Josh decided it was in the best interests of his family to leave the band, because if he hadn't he'd have been away from home monthes at a time... Josh, we salute you...

Anders ex Slipknot Vocalist


Anders Colsefni was the original Slipknot Vocalist. He was asked in 1995 to join a band called Slipknot, by friend Shawn Crahan, that was to have not just one style of music like what was hot at the time, but a blend of all genres including Rap, Funk, Metal, you name it. So Anders, an inexperienced vocalist used to Metal, had to adapt to change his style and so he did.The deep power-driven voice of Anders was what slipknot were based upon, he blew all fans away live, and in 1996 they got a chance to put that onto CD and they did in the highly experimental yet succesful ep Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. Anders' voice gets a lot of crticism from current Slipknot fans but don't forget his voice created the band and it's much like that of Max Cavalera. After supporting MFKR's release for over a year the band hired Corey Taylor to take over the reigns with a more radio-friendly voice and put Anders into the sole postion of Percussion. However, Anders' voice had developed into a great Heavy Metal voice and so decided to leave Slipknot and create his own band PAINFACE and takeover where Slipknot left off with Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.... Anders, we salute you...

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