Warning.... you must be acompanied by an adult to be on this site please leave if you are under the age of 18 or not with an adult...FUCK THAT SHIT I WAS JUST JOKING I DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF YOUR PARENTS DON'T LIKE YOU LOOKING AT SLIPKNOT FUCK THEM....The actuall warning is if you are offended by anything on this site don't fucking CRY because i just warned you the following shit on this site can get pretty fucking graphic and in the next couple of weeks lots of evil shit will be put on this site so you can't say i did not warn you and if anyone takes shit from my site better run because a copyright law is going on i don't mind you looking but don't take. thanx..Sencerilly the creator of this site... Click the S logo to enter the rest of my site thanx.. |