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Song meanings

Here are the song meanings for the first slipknot cd..

Wait and bleed
Wait and Bleed is about a man who is dreaming that he is lying in a bathtub bleeding to death from his wrists. As the song progresses, the man realizes that he, in fact, isn't dreaming, and he just "waits and bleeds".

The letters in (sic) stand for Said In Context. The word is a literary term an author uses after saying something he knows is wrong, but includes it anyway.
(sic) evolved from the MFKR song Slipknot.

The letters in (sic) stand for Said In Context. The word is a literary term an author uses after saying something he knows is wrong, but includes it anyway.
(sic) evolved from the MFKR song Slipknot.

There are a few interpretations of the song Eyeless. When Slipknot came to New York for the first time, they ran into a schizophrenic man who was running around yelling the phrase "You can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes!" That was the main inspiration for the song. Eyeless is also about Corey's father, as seen in the phrase "I am my father's son, cause he's a phantom, a mystery, and that leaves me NOTHING!"

The whole basis behind the meaning of Surfacing is that they're trying to say that you really shouldn't give a fuck, or be judged by others. That you shouldn't have to answer to "anything or anyone." As part of their show, Slipknot dedicates the song to corrupt rock stars. The song is known as the "new national anthem." The lyrics "Fuck it all, fuck this world, fuck everything that you stand for, don't belong, don't exist, don't give a shit, don't ever judge me!" are the words of a generation.

Spit It Out
Spit it out is obviously an angry song, written in retaliation to a Des Moines, Iowa radio station who liked to bash Slipknot and not play their material. Two years later, Spit It Out is in that station's regular rotation.

Tattered and Torn
Tattered and Torn is best understood as a song about a person hurting his or her self, and hiding from "the things that make me hurt".

Me Inside
This song is about psychosis, when everything and anything in your life decides to explode in your head at once and it drives you fucking insane... "Giving in to what has got me- feeling claustrophobic, scarred- sever me from all emotion- life is just to fucking hard". Basically just trying to cope with all this really fucked up corrupt shit in your life and having it make you crazy and sick at the thought of it; it becomes overbearing.

Then the spanish at the end is a message to a spanish-speaking friend of the band. It translates to "WE ARE UGLY, WE ARE STINKY BUT WE RULE IN HERE FAGGET MOTHERFUCKER!"

As the song kicks off, Corey talks about "sectioning off himself", "putting a wall up", he's trying to protect himself and "survive". He's very angry at what's going on in his life. Hes being persecuted by the people around him and he doesnt like it one fucking bit. Towards the end, Corey seems to go completely insane.

The song's based loosely on a 1960's movie called The Collector. The Collector is about a guy who kidnaps this girl and basically adds her to his collection and keeps her. It's a weird kind of psychological thing, and Prosthetics takes it a little bit further - where he is put into a deep sick psychosis as he goes through the whole collecting thing, at the end of the song he ends up killing her and having sex with her.

No Life
I feel that No Life is saying that everyone is shit. All you have is yourself and your freedom. Everyone is going to turn around and stab you in the fucking back, you have no one to turn to and you can't depend on anyone but yourself. And it really is no kind of life to live on in constant fear, so you end up hiding behind a false "mask" so no one can see what is really inside. When you need someone the most, they will not be there because they're worried about themselves and themselves only and really don't give a fuck about you. And when you fall on your fucking face you better get the hell up fast.

Diluted is a song written (in my opinion) about a person who is incapable to continue living. They are haunted by others, and themselves, and may have to deal with emotional problems such as MPD, and Schizophrenia. Or maybe he's just extremely depressed. Either way, the lyrics are more than relatable.

Only One
The meaning to Only One is all too obvious... Corey is pissed off that some asshole has been talking some serious shit about him. Not only is he pissed, but he is going to rectify the situation by finding the fucker and killing the mother fucker.

Number 1, drummer Joey Jordison wrote the lyrics to the song Scissors. It seems as if the song is about a person peeling away his skin and cutting open his own body. Scissors is probably the most emotion-filled song anyone's ever heard. Some compare the end of the Slipknot CD to the end of KoRn's Daddy, because both vocalists go off completely. However, Jonathan Davis's whimpers are absolutely dogshit compared to Corey Taylor's screams of agony.

Close to the end of the song, there is a lot of dispute of what is happening with there is coughing, laughing and so on. In my point of view, I think there are all watching some sort of porno with some woman eating shit. The coughing is actually Chris Fehn, because he is about to puke while watching the video.

Eeyore is the hidden track- Slipknot was based on the theory that they would never give up any style of music that we loved to play, for anyone, that they would gel things together under the name Slipknot - it goes from all styles from beginning to end.

Corey: "Eeyore" is just about this one fucking guy from Des Moines, Iowa - he has long blonde fucking hair and he is a prick to people in the fucking pit. He's a Thor looking jerkoff - he loves our band but he's a dick to everyone in the pit - he likes to hit fucking chicks - the song is about me losing my mind and just tearing the shit out of him.

Others not from the first cd..

The song Purity was written when Corey came across a website located at Adrianne Purity Knight was a 20 year old college student who was stalked by an obsessed ex-lover. Eventually, this man ended up burying young Purity in a homemade wooden box alive. She died.

Shawn: It's like this - whether it's real or not, it affected Corey very much, the thought of it - so it was able to influence him - the song is not directly one hundred percent about it.

Corey: I still think its real - see the thing whether it's true or not, it's a real story - that we read about - that fucked our whole world up - can you imagine a girl being buried in a box and having all this lecherous bullshit drip down on her from this guy? And thinking that there is hope, because this kid is taking some bizarre note to this guy he doesn't even know - thinking that you are holding on to the shirt of hope - and you wake up and you're dead you're buried in mud - they find the note about a week later shoved in a library book for gods sakes - it just hurts your head - it's a case of what is good and bad in people - the box alone is reason enough to be like, 'I cant stand to be fucking human' - how can someone fucking do this to somebody? What is inside of us that is so fucking wrong?

He had written quotes from Edgar Allen Poe and lots of fucked up things on the box

Frail Limb Nursery
It's basically a clip of Purity telling a story to the young boy who took care of her while she was buried. He would bring her food in exchange for her telling him extravigant stories.

Get This
The meaning of Get This is all too clear - the music industry nowadays is littered with fucking bullshit bands, locally, continentally and world-wide, and it makes Corey fucking (sic). (Limp Dickzkit)

Almost the same as Get This.