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Slipknot made all their own masks.

Leather straps and other modifications were made by a friend of the band.

Chris's nose is 7 inches long.

Craig's mask used to be a plastic racing helmet from a gas station. The spikes are 6 inch nails scotch taped to the helmet. They look like rubber when he head bangs because the tape does not hold them totally secure.

All the dreads on Corey's mask are made out of his real hair. They have twine wrapped around them. He cut the dreads off because he was sick of having to pull them through holes in the mask.

Joey cuts the arms and legs off his coveralls to make it easier to play the drums.

Jim has had 2 masks. The first was the old guitarist's (the leather bondage mask seen in old pictures and the cover of the album). He wore it until he made his own mask that better fit his personality (the jester mask).

The barcode on the jumpsuits and in the people = shit logo is the real barcode from the Mate Feed Kill Repeat album.

The same barcode # is the title of the first track of the self titled album.

When Slipknot first started practicing, they played in one of the guys' basement. To soundproof the walls, they took carpet samples and scraps from a nearby Pet Grooming center... according to one of the guys, "The animals that were there had bladder problems, because the carpet smelled like animal piss... thereby making our practice space smell the same way."

The basement Slipknot practiced in was so small that not all the guys could fit in the main area, so Craig had to set his equipment up and jam from the laundry room.

At a show in England, #0 jumped off a balcony at one of Slipknot' shows and landed on a fan. It hurt the young woman bad enough to hospitalize her, but she's ok. Sid was rather distraught about the whole thing, and it brought him to tears according to one music news site. (Even badasses cry sometimes)

At another show, Sid was lighting one of the drum heads of Chris' set on fire, and some of the lighter fluid got on the leg of Sid's coveralls and set him on fire. It singed all the hair off his body, which explains his shaven head as of late.

The following is the best list I have of their jumpsuits, if you have seen live or pics of different ones of have any new suit info, please contact a webmaster.

Red w/ white lettering
Blue w/ white lettering
Gray w/ white lettering
Green w/ white lettering
Black w/ white lettering
White w/ red lettering
Blue w/ silver embroidered letters
Black w/ gold embroidered letters
Black w/ white lettering and red trim
Brown w/ gold lettering

(The blue, gray, green, and black suits all look the same)